Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The New Cities seront le 4 février au Scopitone à Paris. Ceci pourrait être votre chance de gagner 2 places de concert pour assister à ce spectacle! Vous n'avez que à répondre à la question suivante : QUEL EST LE NOUVEAU SINGLE DE THE NEW CITIES? Ensuite, envoyez nous votre réponse à thenewcitiesfans@gmail.com avec comme sujet "CONCOURS TNC PARIS" et avec les informations suivantes: Nom, prénom, numéro de téléphone et nom et prénom de la personne qui vous accompagne. Les 2 premières personnes à répondre correctement gagneront chacun 2 billets! Nous avons que quelques conditions pour ce concours : vous devez parler français ET vivrent près de Paris. Le concours se termine samedi à midi 12h00. Si tout ça correct pour vous, n'attendez plus, PARTICIPEZ!

P.S. Nous faisons affaire pour ce concours avec l'entreprise Live Nation France (l'entreprise qui s'occupe du concert), donc tout ça est 100% sécuritaire. :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Behind the Scenes video of "Hypertronic Superstar"!!

Here's a behind the scenes video of "Hypertronic superstar" ! Where we see HUGE sneak peeks at the video! And Frank Borin (The director) tells us about the cool concept of the video!! Check it out!!

Win A New Cities Gibson Guitar!

Much Music is having a New Cities Contest!! Want to win a Gibson Les Paul Studio Guitar that was in the lastest TNC music video for "Hypertronic superstar"?!

"Next week New Cities are releasing a new video for their song “Hypertronic Superstar”, and in that video is a shiny new Gibson Les Paul Studio Guitar. When you see the video, be sure to swoon and drool and admire such a beautiful masterpiece. And then realize that you could have that bad boy in your hands!"
You can enter once a day until January 20th! ENTER HERE

(Since you can only enter until January 20th, we are guessing that is when the video will be released!! So keep your eyes peeled for tweets/post about that!)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Frank's Twitter & Phil's gratuation party!

Hey guys! Frank created a twitter account today! Go follow him : @FrankNewCities ! Click here to get to his twitter page. Let's hope now that Philippe will create one soon aswell! Go ask him on his FaceBook page! And while we are talking about Phil, did you know that he recently graduated from his police school? Him and his class went to Cuba to celebrate it (as you can see in the photo ). Don't you think that Philippe is looking really hot there? ;)

Friday, January 8, 2010

The New Cities HyperTronic Superstar video shoot on Etalk!

Incase you missed it last night, here's a link to Etalk's interview with Dave, Julien and Nick!
The interview was on the set of there upcoming Single "Hypertronic Superstar" video shoot! In the interview the guy's talk about their success in '09 and being on tour with Simple Plan and Marianas Trench. They also talk about what to expect in the new video, going back to the UK and about the new single hitting the radio later this month! Watch the interview HERE.

The New Cities headed to Paris, France!

As you may have seen on the guy's twitter's and facebook pages, the guy's are headed to Paris, France and very excited! They will be playing at Scopitone on February 4th 2010. So all you Parisians who have been waiting to expirience the awesomeness that The New Cities are, here's your chance!! Tickets are on sale right now! grab your's HERE!